Instructions to Authors


Detailed Instructions for Authors to Publish a Paper in our International peer reviewed bi-monthly journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences. (ISSN:2319-6602) are given below. Authors are required to follow strictly below Instructions to get their paper published in time.

    All the matter and information should be submitted by email. Soft copy format should be in MS word 2007 only. Charts, Tables and Diagrams should be in MS Word and images in JPG format using maximum possible high resolution. Tables and Figures should be included within the Text only and not separately at the end. Layout Property of Table and Figure should "In Line with Text" only.
    All the matter should be typed in default font of MS Word 2007 Font on A4 size paper with all side margin of 1 inch. Title of Paper - font size 14 bold in Title case, Author Name font size 12 normal in all caps letters, Abstract font size 11 italic. Headings in 12 normal bold, subheadings in 12 italic, All paragraphs in 11 normal font sentence case with 1.15 line spacing. Don's add any header or footer in the manuscript.
    For referring the format of Paper, please use this link for downloading "IJCPS PAPER TEMPLATE" for easy preparation of manuscript of your paper for submission.
    Full length Research Papers (Maximum of 10 pages in Letter or A/4 size) should be divided as follows:
Title, Authors names (Family name first in bold) with institutional address and email, Abstract in Italics, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), References, Tables and Figures. Pages should be properly numbered..
    References typed in the following order:
References should be numbered consecutively and these numbers are to appear as superscripts in appropriate places in the text. Care must be exercised for uniformity in citation. Ibid, Idem, et al. should not be used. Abbreviation for titles of Journals should be as in the Chemical Abstract references. The initials and surnames of all the authors should be furnished, the name of the journal should be italic and the volume number in bold.
Citations should follow the order: author's name(s), journal's name, year, volume, and page.
A few sample citations are given below.
I. J.S.Wagmare, M.E.Shelke, D.T.Tayade, S.U.Patil, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 2006, 83,819-821. .
    Please download the "SAMPLE PAPER" for understanding requirement of Formatting, Contents and References etc.
    After receipt of research paper, your paper will be sent to two reviewers and both reviewers should approve the paper. Their decision regarding acceptance will be final and binding. The editorial board reserves the right to condense or make changes in the research article..
    When revision of a manuscript is requested, authors should return the revised version of their manuscript as soon as possible. Prompt action may ensure fast publication if a paper is finally accepted for publication..
    Authors will receive a pdf file with the edited version of their manuscript for final proofreading. This is the last opportunity to view an article before its publication on the journal web site. No changes or modifications can be introduced once it is published..
    Manuscripts accepted for publication are published on-line in so called Online First service as soon as they are ready for publication (that is when final proofreading is performed by authors, and all concerns are resolved). Once a manuscript appears on the Web site it is considered as published.
    After publication, the corresponding author is notified by email and receives a pdf file with the published version of the manuscript..
    A properly completed Copyright Form must be provided for each accepted manuscript and that should be duly signed, scanned and sent via email to the Editor.
    The Manuscripts will not be returned in any case whether accepted or rejected..
    Authors and co-authors may be life members of International journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences..
    Submit your valuable research/ knowledge as manuscript for forthcoming issue..
    Get decision on your manuscript in 60 days from the date of submission..
    For submission, send your manuscript and payment details along with copywright form at:, OR , OR

    After the deposition of manuscript processing charges or Life Membership fees, you are requested to intimate (by e-mail) us immediately by providing following details as:
        1. Covering letter containing: Name, Date, Time.
        2. Proof of deposited manuscript processing charges or Life Membership fees.
        3. IJCPS Life Membership Form.

    Click here to download Membership Form

    Click here to download Copyright Form

    Click here to download "IJCPS PAPER TEMPLATE"

    Click here to download "SAMPLE PAPER"