About IJCPS      (ISSN:2319-6602)


An International peer reviewed bi-monthly journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences. ISSN:2319-6602.

It is the only journal in the world which publishes research papers, review papers, review articles, technical reports, mini review and short commutations in all aspects of all fields of Chemical Sciences like Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Photochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Agricultural & Soil Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry and Phytochemistry as well as all aspects of Chemical Engineering etc. In the fields of Physical Sciences all Physics including artificial intelligence, neural processing, nuclear and particle physics, geophysics, physics in medicine and biology, plasma physics, semiconductor science and technology, wireless and optical communications, materials science All articles published in IJCPS are peer-reviewed.

Invitation from IJCPS

If you are interested to become a member of our editorial board...
Please send your CV and research interests at -
editor@ijcps.org, ijcpseditor@gmail.com
We wish that all our editors should be a fellow members of
our International Journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences.
Please go to Subscription page for Membership details.

Latest Issue


IJCPS, Vol-2 No.-2 May-Jun 2013 .

In this issue various research papers, review papers, mini reviews and short communications covering various topics of Chemical and Physical Sciences focusing on environmental issues as well as new industrial implications etc.

Author's Instructions

To submit your valuable research / knowledges as manuscript for fourthcoming issue of IJCPS, following Instructions should be followed for preparing manuscript of your paper.

  • Format of Manuscript
  • How to Submit - Instruction
  • Content required for submission
  • Processing of Manuscript
  • Submission Prerequisites
  • Online Submission